New studio protocols since COVID 19 -

Re-opening our Saskatoon photography studio has been a bit overwhelming, but after taking some extra time to figure out how to sanitize everything properly, and rearranging a few things, we wanted to feel confident (and stocked with supplies) for a safe re-open.

Here are some things you can expect at the studio as mandated by Health Canada and the Saskatchewan health authority as of today. Please note things change day to day, so keep checking back on the Saskatchewan government website for the latest updates:

-We must adhere to the amount of people allowed indoors and outdoors at a time. I am included in those numbers (as well as any other staff or family members that might be present). Those that have not formed an ‘extended household’ are not allowed to be photographed within 2 meters of each other (larger groups have a larger distancing rules). This includes, but not limited to extended family sessions, family reunions and weddings.

-We are not permitted to get within 2 meters of clients, so no handshakes or hugs for a while. Yes, it feels awkward, but it’s for your safety, so something we will likely have to get used to for the time being.

-We will no longer be able to make any adjustments to your body positioning or move things like stray hair and jewelry, we will be asking you to do these things, with direction.

-We are no longer doing any meetings in person, other than the session, of course. We have also discontinued any beverage and refreshment service at the studio for the time being.

-We ask that you please sanitize your hands upon arrival into the studio, and as usual, change into indoor shoes once you get into the studio at the top of the stairs.

-We will be wearing a mask for the entire time we are indoors together. If you are sick, we ask that you please reschedule. We are not requiring you to wear a mask if you are in front of my lens.

-The entire studio will be sanitized before and after every single session.

IF you have little ones.

-We have put away stuffed animals. Children are highly encouraged to bring their own stuffies if they are photogenic (animals that are neutrals photograph best, and don’t take away from your child’s beautiful smile). If they are not, I am more than happy to purchase one a couple of weeks in advance from a locally owned shop, and have it ready in a sanitized bag, ready to handle, and add it to your invoice at no mark up. (bunnies range from $20-$45)

-We will no longer be handing out Candy (bribes). We highly suggest you have a ‘bribe’ waiting for them in the car, so we have something to leverage with if the children don’t want to participate;).

If you have any questions or concerns about anything at the studio, please don’t hesitate to ask! We can’t wait to see you!

Saskatoon photographers