Spring mini sessions - Saskatoon Photographers

We are so excited to launch our brand new limited edition spring mini sessions!!! Sessions take place at our Saskatoon Photography Studio in the north end of Saskatoon on Saturday, April 28, 2018.  This is what our limited edition set will look like (outfits are from Carters/oshkosh)....

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Saskatoon Photographers
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What do we wear? 

-As always, we can't stress how important clothing is for your session!  Wearing plain clothing, with no busy patterns or big logos look best and allow the child to be the focus instead of the clothing.  Buying new clothing for your session is highly suggested.  Any type of wear in the clothing can show up more drastic in your images, so purchasing new is ideal.   We suggest wearing your favorite dressy clothing for our Spring Mini Sessions and have created a 'what to wear' for your spring mini shoot with us.  Pastels/neutrals will look fantastic on this set!  All of these outfits can be found at Old Navy, Gap, and Etsy.

*Not our images. 

*Not our images. 

Is the session fee just $39?  What does that include?

-Our session fee for the mini’s is just $39 and that includes your 10 minute session.  Digital files are additional.

Digital files come in two packages:

The GARDEN PACKAGE - $329 - 10 digital files.

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The SPRING FLOWERS - $179 - 5 digital files.

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Who chooses the files we receive? 

-The photographer will choose the images based on the package you choose. 

How long until I receive my images?

-Images will be available 2-3 weeks from the session date via digital download.  Add your images to a  custom crystal Memories by Mandy USB for an additional $29.   

When do I place my order for my preferred package?

-Orders are placed on the day you book your session. 

What type of payment do you accept?

-We accept Cash, cheque, email money transfers, Visa & Mastercard.

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What do you require to hold our day/time?

-We require the full payment as your non refundable retainer.  If something comes up and you aren’t able to make it, your session fee is transferable.

Can the parents be in the images too?  Or is this just limited to children?

-Due to the size of our set, our spring mini sessions are limited to children only.  We suggest no more than 3 children on the set at one time. 

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If I would like prints can we order those as well?

-Of course!  You can order prints/products at anytime after your session. 

Someone in my family is in a wheelchair.  Is your studio wheelchair accessible? 

-Sorry, our studio is upstairs without elevator access. 

Saskatoon Photographers

How do I book?

-You can book your session by emailing us at:  memoriesbymandy@shaw.ca , or through our website:  memoriesbymandy.ca.  

Can't make it on the day of our minis?  For the month of April, add this set to any regular priced studio session absolutely free! 

I think that covers it!  If you have any other questions, please contact us through email:  memoriesbymandy@shaw.ca!  Cheers!
