For her 60th birthday she wanted to do a fun photo shoot with her besties. I have never done a Saskatoon photography session like this so I wasn't too sure what to expect, but it might go down as one of the funniest sessions I've ever done! This group of women were a BLAST!!! Each and everyone of them out-witting the next, and constant joking, there was never a dull moment! Thanks for having me out ladies!!!! You are all beauties, inside and out.
Happy weekend! - Saskatoon photographer
It's Friday!!! Dance like no one is watching....

Mom and me - Saskatoon Photographer
Right before Mother's Day, we had a promotion on for 'Mom & Me' sessions, which came with a pedicure from Just for You Day Spa as well as a super sweet swag bag... this mom took advantage of our package and came into the studio with her adorable princess for their mom and me session. We got so many gorgeous shots!!! I think this little girl is going to cherish these images in a couple of decades. I would die to have images like this of me with my mom *cough* 30 some years ago *cough*.
Extended Family Photos - Saskatoon photographer
We are getting so many inquiries for extended family sessions lately!!! There are so many big anniversaries coming up this summer, and I'm so happy that people are thinking ahead and getting their extended families photographed. I have to admit, about 5 years ago I was turning down large extended families. I wasn't the greatest at posing them, and I wasn't confident in getting the great images our clients have come to expect from us. After taking a few courses on large extended families over the last few years, our portraiture has really come a long way since then, and I'm now confident in getting beautiful images of large extended families. They are a challenge (more so when there are a lot of little ones in the mix), but they are also some of the most important images that we capture for our clients.
This family came to me last winter, so our options were a bit limited for locations, but we do have a few beautiful indoor locations that work well for these types of sessions. Aren't they a photogenic group?! Yeah, they made my job pretty easy.
family photography - Saskatoon family photographers
You may recognize this family from my previous post. This gorgeous mama was one of the bridesmaids in the wedding I just posted previous to this. She called me up and asked if I was available to do their family photos last fall. I was sooo excited to capture their adorable little girl, who was the flower girl, along with her mom and dad. They are all so photogenic. I really wish fall last longer... it's so darn pretty!
My heart is a puddle - Saskatoon photographers
I really feel so fortunate for our families to open their doors and let me capture some of their most precious moments. This is a perfect example of how we photograph a newborn baby, specifically when there are siblings as well. We come right into your home and make the session very family orientated. We get some great shots of the family together, of the siblings together, of the siblings alone, then focus a bit more on the baby. Families are so important to capture with newborns for their first photoshoot, and I think we get that, as we have a little family of our own.
I traveled all the day to Battleford, Saskatchewan for this families newborn session. I feel so lucky to have such dedicated clients, that even when they move to a different, they still call me! I think these images really speak for themselves... so here they are. A king, a queen, a prince and the newest little princess. Seriously melt my heart...
A tiny little sweetie - Saskatoon photographers
I photographed this little boys parents wedding a while back. Fast forward half a decade and I got an email saying they were expecting their first baby! Of course I was so thrilled for them!! Their little boy arrived happy and healthy weighing as much as his mom when she was born, just 5lbs 14oz. After photographing a 9lb-er just a week before I couldn't get over how tiny he was! At just 6 days new, he was awake for most of his session, but as happy as a clam, so we rolled with it. By the end of the session he fell asleep so we ended up getting some cute sleepy shots too. I loved seeing their maternity prints framed in his nursery, so of course, we had to get a couple of shots including them too. Here is the tiniest little peanut who has ever graced my camera.
Bouncing baby boy - Saskatoon photographers
We typically don't photograph too many newborns, however this year, we had 3 past clients all expecting babies within a month of each other! Among the busy fall wedding season, I got some serious baby snuggles in. We always photograph babies in their home, without the use of props, unless an item has sentimental value to the family. This little boy was so sweet. His big sister was the same age as my daughter when my son was born. It's hard to believe I was in this mothers shoes just 2.5 years ago.
This little man was going through a growth spurt when I was there, he wanted to nurse... a lot. But once his tummy was full she was the perfect little sleepy model. His nursery made a beautiful backdrop for his first photo shoot! And his big sister has grown so much since our last session (she was 6 months old then, now she's almost 2)!

Fall family photos, Saskatoon
Fall is a popular time for family photos here in Saskatoon. This family came from Kindersley, SK for their session. I'm so used to chasing around toddlers so having two well behaved boys who took direction like no body's business was a bit of a surprise! The whole family was so photogenic. At the end of the session the youngest said: "Can we do this everyday? That was so fun!" LOL. If I had the time, I would love to shoot you everyday buddy. You guys were a real treat. Thank you, again, for taking the time to come all the way to Saskatoon for your family photos. It was an absolute pleasure!

A new dress, A flower farm, and a 4 year old. - Saskatoon photographers
My little girl turned 4 this summer! I can't believe it's been 4 years since we welcomed our first born into the world. She received this gorgeous dress from her Auntie who brought it all the way back from Italy for her! I knew I had to do a photoshoot of her in it. I really wanted to do something really girly with her, as that is her: Girly. I thought doing the session out at my parents flower farm would be the perfect place! (Yes, my parents grow flowers on the farm to sell to flower shops in Saskatoon. Pretty cool right?? You can keep tabs on what they are up to on their facebook page HERE) While the farm got hit with frost a few nights ago, there was still a lot in bloom and they looked amazing! We did this session in about 20 minutes, because well, that's all my girl will give me. Needless to say, I feel like I captured her personality perfectly. So here she is... my little princess. I love her to bits!!! And I'm bias, but isn't she gorgeous?