Prints vs. Files - Saskatoon photographers

Did you know we offer a wide variety of products, including digital files and prints? We have a lot of clients order wall portraits from us along with the digital files... some do it for the convenience, some do it for the quality, and others do it for the extra retouching! The first image is straight out of camera and the second is the extent of retouching we do when you purchase a wall portrait through us.

The value of a photograph - Saskatoon photographers

I saw a quote a month or two ago and it said...

"You never really know the value of a photograph until long after it's taken."

This sits with me on so many levels. Not only do I think about this all the time with my sessions, it hits so close to home with my personal photos.  This is the reason I get my family photos done every year.  This is a shot of my girl and I, a few years ago, at our annual family session.  I love the wrinkle in her nose, and me looking adoringly at her.  I know when she gets to my age, she is going to cherish this photo even more than I do today.  She's not going to see my double chin, or my wrinkles, or my crooked nose.  She's going to see the connection between her and I, and how stinkin' adorable she is.  She might even see her own kids in her squinty smile, and laugh at how ugly my jacket is.  What I do know, is she will look back at this photo, long after I'm gone and it will be worth so much more in years to come, than it was the day it was taken.

Photo credit:  The Harstones

Photo credit:  The Harstones

Mom and me - Saskatoon Photographer

Right before Mother's Day, we had a promotion on for 'Mom & Me' sessions, which came with a pedicure from Just for You Day Spa as well as a super sweet swag bag... this mom took advantage of our package and came into the studio with her adorable princess for their mom and me session.  We got so many gorgeous shots!!!  I think this little girl is going to cherish these images in a couple of decades.  I would die to have images like this of me with my mom *cough* 30 some years ago *cough*.

A surprise wedding in Saskatoon!!!

I got a phone call last summer... my cousin was recently engaged to an amazing girl, and they wanted to get some engagement photos done here in Saskatoon before an anniversary party they were planning.  After a brief conversation, his fiance said she would call me back to discuss further what they had wanted as far as the session goes.  She called me back and confided that their engagement photos would actually be a surprise wedding!  Only their parents knew, and well, now me.  Fast forward to the day of their 'engagement party' AKA surprise wedding last October!  

I showed up at the James hotel in their beautiful penthouse suite.  My cousin and his fiance were there with their parents/grandparents and some special kids, who had no idea they were about to be a flower girl and ring bear.  At this point only the parents and myself new we were about to witness a wedding later that evening!  We started the day with the bride slipping into her gorgeous wedding gown, we stepped outside the bedroom and everyone seemed a bit confused.  They yelled SURPRISE!  We are getting married today!!!  The look on everyone's faces were priceless.  We ventured off the the U of S for a little mini session with just the bride and groom, then went to the Saskatoon club where the bride slipped into a different dress for the 'engagement party'.  Guests started to arrive to a beautifully decorated room, enjoyed some appy's, and visited.  

As a diversion right before supper, I arranged to get everyone outside for a group photo.  We came back into the room to find all the chairs all lined up like there was a ceremony about to happen.  Everyone looked a bit confused and the excitement grew!  We ushered everyone into the ceremony part of the room, and the ceremony began.  I have never felt so much excitement in one room before.  The energy was out of this world!  There were so many tears of joy and so many smiles on everyone's faces!  If you are ever thinking of having a surprise wedding, I highly suggest it.  It was the most emotional wedding we have ever been to.

So here it is... my first ever surprise wedding!  I sure hope it's not my last... it was freakin' amazing!!!             

Extended Family Photos - Saskatoon photographer

We are getting so many inquiries for extended family sessions lately!!!  There are so many big anniversaries coming up this summer, and I'm so happy that people are thinking ahead and getting their extended families photographed.  I have to admit, about 5 years ago I was turning down large extended families.  I wasn't the greatest at posing them, and I wasn't confident in getting the great images our clients have come to expect from us.  After taking a few courses on large extended families over the last few years, our portraiture has really come a long way since then, and I'm now confident in getting beautiful images of large extended families.  They are a challenge (more so when there are a lot of little ones in the mix), but they are also some of the most important images that we capture for our clients. 

This family came to me last winter, so our options were a bit limited for locations, but we do have a few beautiful indoor locations that work well for these types of sessions.  Aren't they a photogenic group?!  Yeah, they made my job pretty easy.