Tidbit Tuesday

While doing my own search for a photographer for my annual family photos, I realize that so many photographers put very little on their websites about themselves.  I find this so odd, because in my opinion, the person behind the camera is just as important, if not more important than their portfolio... so I decided to write a little something about me over the next little while.  Every second Tuesday, I will write a little tidbit, naming the blog posts, tidbit Tuesday.  This week's Tidbit is all about my childhood!

I was born and raised here in Saskatoon, growing up on the westside (Avenue I North, to be exact), where I looked forward to summer and playing with all the neighbor kids.  I remember following my brother and his friends around a lot (he is 4 years older than me), and always picked fights because me, and my best friend, loved to wrestle with him.  Until we would end up hurt and crying to my mom who always have him crap for beating us up.  Luckily my brother and I have a much better relationship as adults, and now that we have both started families of our own, we get along great.  

It's funny because my earliest childhood memory happens to be me getting my photo taken, when I was 3 years old.  My brother and I in our PJ's standing in front of the sterio and my parents telling us to get closer together and smile!  I'm not sure if I just remember it because I have the photo evidence, but I love that my first memory is of me being in front of the camera.  I will have to go and dig that photo up one day, but until then, here is an oldie of my brothers kids a couple of years ago.  It's amazing how much changes in just 2 years!  They are so big now! 

We are on Social Media!!!

Hey!  We are trying to be more active on social media!  Our favorite has always been Facebook.  Please check out our page, but we are getting busier on Instagram and more recently twitter!  Our Pinterest account is a little more personal, but we have made some killer recipes from there recently.

Follow us here:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/memoriesbymandyyxe

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/memoriesmandy

Instagram:  https://instagram.com/memoriesbymandysaskatoon/

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/memoriesbmandy/

And I leave you with an image of my little boy about a year ago....

Tidbit Tuesday - A little bit about Mandy!

While doing my own search for a photographer for my annual family photos, I realize that so many photographers put very little on their websites about themselves.  I find this so odd, because in my opinion, the person behind the camera is just as important, if not more important than their portfolio... so I decided to write a little something about me over the next little while.  Every second Tuesday, I will write a little tidbit, naming the blog posts, tidbit Tuesday.  So, my first tidbit... geeze, where do I start?!  Let's keep the first one light...

Something you may or may not know about me is that I know 3 languages.  Well when I say I know, I use that term very loosely, lol.  English is obviously my first language, my second being French.  I was in French immersion throughout my entire education, so I think if I went to Montreal I would be able to pick it up quite quickly, as I am super rusty.  And the last language I picked up while living in Mexico:  Spanish.  I lived there for a year teaching English and decided that I had to learn some while living there, so basically I know the basics.  I know how to tell a cab driver where to go, how to order off a menu, how to tell someone off, you know, all the basics that you would need to learn being a blond 19 year old female living in a Mexican town where we are the only white people.  So when I say I know 3 languages, I can't speak them fluently, but I can totally get by, as long as you speak really slow!  LOL.  Well being a photography blog, I suppose I should include a photo!  I photographed these beauties a few years back.  Want to know something about me?  Just ask in the comments!  I'm an open book! 

Anniversary Mini Sessions

Can you believe we have had our on location photography studio for 8 years coming up this May?  Time flies!  I am so excited to have come this far.  Being a photographer in Saskatoon definitely has its ups and downs, but to all of my clients who have supported me over the years, you have made this journey worth traveling.  

With an anniversary right around the corner, comes something really exciting!  A charity event!  As some of you already know we moved to Lakeview here in Saskatoon less than a year ago and love this welcoming community.  We discovered that Lakeview school is in desperate need of a larger playground with the student population expanding.  This year, we decided to do something to help out the folks over at the Lakeview Playground enhancement committee:  MINI SESSIONS!  We are offering the rare opportunity to partake in mini sessions with Memories by Mandy photography with 100% of the session fee going straight to the Lakeview Playground enhancement.  We are so excited to give back to the community that has been so welcoming to us since we moved to the area.  

Here are the details!  Please email us to book your session:  memoriesbymandy@shaw.ca.  

Mother & Daughter - Saskatoon family photographers

This mom contacted me to do a session of her daughter as a 'sweet 16' gift.  I convinced mom to be in some of the images as well.  Needless to say, these two women are stunning.  I could have photographed them all day!  I'm playing around with different styles of how to showcase our images.  Which do you prefer?  This way?  Or slideshow style?

Princess sessions - Saskatoon photographers

Last year we had another set of princess sessions.  It was so much fun!  Let us paint the picture for you. 

"You're 4 years old, you come into our studio wearing your favorite pink leggings and your mom has done your hair so pretty. You walk into the studio and there are tutu's, necklaces, hair clips, bracelets and even clip on earrings!  You get to choose anything you want to wear!!!  You are so excited, but a little nervous!!!  There are so many choices, it's hard to choose, but you pick the pink tutu, the pink necklace and the gold earrings.  You choose to wear every single bracelet there is, because it's hard to choose just one!  Your nerves have turned into excitement, because you love to dress up.  Mandy is so nice and puts on loud music.  You love to dance, so you just start to dance.  There are big lights there that flash and you feel just like a model, dancing with Mandy, laughing and playing with the toy guitar.  Mandy says you can change if you want, so you pick the brown tutu with the green necklace and the huge white flower for your hair.  You feel so special that you can choose anything you want to wear.  The loud music continues to play and Mandy starts acting really goofy which gets you giggling like crazy!  Mandy is so funny!  Before you know it, it's time to take everything off and as much as you don't want to, its time to go.  It's OK though, because Mandy gives you a crown that you get to take home and a treat!!!!  You love treats!!!!  You go home, and think about how much fun that was and you ask mom if you can come back tomorrow to do it all over again.  Your mom gets really excited a couple of weeks later because some pictures arrive.  It's images of you, in the tutu's, dancing, laughing, playing and having a blast!  Your mom even lets you put a picture up in your room.  You ask your mom again and again to go back to Mandy's studio so you can dress up again and play.  Your mom says, maybe next time.  You can't wait!!!!" 

Now tell me, does that sound like the ultimate dream of a little girl?  I think so!  Here are some images from our last round of princess sessions!