... to when I photographed my girl's 6 month photos far away from Saskatoon... on the beach in Maui. That face melts my heart!
Long weekends...
I hope you all had a great long weekend! This image says exactly how I feel about mine...
Thoughtful Mother's Day ideas
With mothers day right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to think of some thoughtful ways to spoil your mom, while spending next to no money. While Spa days and other expensive gifts are fun to receive, sometimes the most meaningful gifts of all are those where you don't need to spend a dime. On Mother's Day, we like to be spoiled. Even if your mom says she doesn't, she does. So, here is my thoughts on a day dedicated solely to mom, while spending little to no moula.
-Make her breakfast in bed! Even if you only know how to make toast. Bonus points for bacon and eggs or waffles with whip cream and fresh fruit! Don't forget the coffee!
-Pick her some flowers. Tulips are typically growing this time of year, so if you have some of these beauties growing in your yard, cut off a few stems and give them to mom! Just don't cut your neighbors flowers, as their mom probably won't like that too much.
-Make her a gift with things you have around the house. An all time favorite around here is anything to do with foot prints or hand prints and paint. When you are a little bigger, this idea may not be as cute. However putting time and effort into a gift is always appreciated. Even a homemade card goes a long way!
-Go for a nice long walk by the river or in a nearby park. Bonus points if you pack a picnic with her favorite sandwich and fruit.
-Draw her a nice warm bath, add bubbles, or salts to make it luxurious and leave her alone in there for at least a half an hour with a magazine or favorite book you have on hand (or borrow one from the library). Include some wine or tea to make it extra special.
-Make her her favorite meal for supper! And clean up the kitchen afterwards. Honestly this sounds boring, but just cooking and cleaning for your mom shows how much you care.
-You don't need to go out and buy fancy chocolates or treats, instead make some! If she loves chocolate, bake her a cake, or some chocolate chip cookies. Might be fun to bake these while she is in the bath and when she comes out, surprise her with some fresh from the oven baking.
-Give her an at home pedi/mani. Most mom's already have the polish! Give her a nice hand and foot massage, using lotion, and paint her finger nails and toes.
Lastly, make her feel special, and tell her how much you care. Even if that means spending a couple of hours with her, while keeping your phone in your pocket. And don't forget to tell her how much you love her! Afterall she did shape you into the awesome person you are today. The least you can do is thank her for it! So, if you are looking for something thoughtful to do or give your mother this Mother's Day, I hope this gives you some great ideas!!! Good luck! And Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful mama's out there!
Anniversary Mini Sessions
Can you believe we have had our on location photography studio for 8 years coming up this May? Time flies! I am so excited to have come this far. Being a photographer in Saskatoon definitely has its ups and downs, but to all of my clients who have supported me over the years, you have made this journey worth traveling.
With an anniversary right around the corner, comes something really exciting! A charity event! As some of you already know we moved to Lakeview here in Saskatoon less than a year ago and love this welcoming community. We discovered that Lakeview school is in desperate need of a larger playground with the student population expanding. This year, we decided to do something to help out the folks over at the Lakeview Playground enhancement committee: MINI SESSIONS! We are offering the rare opportunity to partake in mini sessions with Memories by Mandy photography with 100% of the session fee going straight to the Lakeview Playground enhancement. We are so excited to give back to the community that has been so welcoming to us since we moved to the area.
Here are the details! Please email us to book your session: memoriesbymandy@shaw.ca.
Cake smash - Saskatoon Photographers
Throwback to my little man's first birthday cake smash! He didn't like it much. He preferred the bath afterwards! He's birthday is quickly approaching on April 7. I can't believe he's going to be 2 soon.
A family affair - Saskatoon photographers
Here are a few fav's from this family session we did last fall! I have photographed both siblings and their families in the past. It was so nice to finally meet 'mom and dad'. I love having them in front of my lens!

My little cutie pie! - Saskatoon Photographers
Throwback Thursday to when my little girl, who is now 3.5 years old was just 9 months! Gosh was she ever cute!!!
Mother & Daughter - Saskatoon family photographers
This mom contacted me to do a session of her daughter as a 'sweet 16' gift. I convinced mom to be in some of the images as well. Needless to say, these two women are stunning. I could have photographed them all day! I'm playing around with different styles of how to showcase our images. Which do you prefer? This way? Or slideshow style?

Cutie pie - Saskatoon Photographers
Throwback Thursday to this cutie pie:). Hope you are all having a great day!
Winter sessions - Saskatoon Photographers
Throwback Thursday to a couple of years ago to this super fun winter session!